Striders' Charity of the Year
Desford Striders have chosen a charity to support during 2024-25 that is very close to our hearts, as it was established and continues to be run by two of our own members.
Helen Webb and Rachel Lopata set up Sea-Changers 13 years ago after becoming increasingly concerned about the state of the UK's seas, shores and wildlife. Recognising that they could take direct action, they set up the charity which awards grants to UK marine charities and not for profit organisations for conservation and research projects.
The club’s members voted to support Sea-Changers as the 2024-25 charity at this year's AGM.
The charity works with businesses and individuals to raise funds which are then used to pay for projects all around the UK's coastline and particularly focuses on grassroots schemes that galvanise community action and projects that encourage people to take direct action for marine conservation.
There are many fundraisers planned during 2024 in the hope that Striders can replicate the success of previous years.
Sea-Changers has already received a major fundraising boost as the Striders committee voted to make a £2,000 donation from the proceeds of the annual Steve Morris 5 LRRL road race, held at the end of June.
That pledge means the charity is already likely to receive even more support than the charity we selected during 2023, the Hinckley and District FoodBank.
We staged several events during the year, including the annual Steve Morris 5 LRRL league race, where Striders and other club runners made generous direct donations of food and hygiene products.
In addition a number of social events, including the annual summer and Christmas parties and numerous other fundraisers, auctions and other events raised a grand total of more than £1,800. This has now been presented to the FoodBank to aid its continued valued work providing food to local communities.